On February 14, 2020, the theatre play “Lolita” with Lilith Stangenberg directed by Jonathan Meese will celebrate its premiere at Schauspiel Dortmund.
“Jonathan Meese, world-class visual artist, develops an art spectacle with and for the Schauspiel Dortmund. Based on the controversial and world-famous novel Lolita by the Russian author Vladimir Nabokov, he places the myth of Lolita at the centre of his art – for Meese not only the only alternative to everything, but a revolutionary utopia! With strong associations and powerful imagery, he transfers the novel into his mythological cosmos: For Meese, Lolita is a principle without any personal interests – and therefore the perfect embodiment of a new order to be established. Lolita is the ideal, mere image of a thing, no longer a person, but a state of affairs, like – for Meese – Marquis de Sade, Oscar Wilde, Scarlett Johansson or Adolf Hitler.
Ensemble members and well-known guests take on all the characters in the novel at the same time: each is a Lolita or a Dolly or a Dolores or simply a Lo. Of course they are also Lolita’s mother, Dolores Haze and the main protagonist Humbert Humbert as well as his rival Clare Quilty. Without any fixed arrangements, each evening an independent performance is created, because the ‘sports bag principle’ applies: Pack up what you need to play … ” (Schauspiel Dortmund)
Cast: Jonathan Meese, Maximilian Brauer, Anke Zillich, Uwe Schmieder, Henning Nass and Bernhard Schütz
Director: @jonathan_meese
Photos: Jan Bauer
21 March, 2020
3 April, 2020
25 April, 2020
16 April, 2020